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As a kid, what did you look forward to? Birthdays? Summer? Playing video games? For most of us living in Canada, it was the chance of school being cancelled because of a snow day. A day full of fun with your friends, relaxing with family or catching up on the school work you neglected doing the night before. For Nolan Mcgillivray, the nostalgia from those days was the inspiration for his music alias, “Sno Daze”. When asked about the name, the answer was simple, “people look forward to snow days.” Although the name was already taken by a Christian rock band, a new spelling and meaning came to be. Replacing “Days” with “Daze” to imply being in a dazed mindset (potentially because of something…) and omitting the “W”, creating something more Indie sounding.

Growing up with a father that welcomed a musical household, Nolan had the opportunity to learn how to play three instruments and become fascinated with what it’s like to write a song. For that, it would only make sense to pursue a degree in history… right? Well for Nolan, he knew in the first two weeks of his degree that it was not for him. However, the lack of fulfilment propelled him onto a journey to pursue his dreams. From watching production videos in Greek history lectures, to setting up his first microphone in his dorm room, these were the fundamental moments that would solidify his ever growing fascination with writing and recording music. With the majority of musicians in this position, normally their musical journey would begin with, “I dropped out.” Although Nolan’s true passion resides in music, his education was considered just as valuable. Therefore, three years and one diploma later, Nolan reminisces over those years by stating, “if I started my career in music sooner… and [not] having those experiences. I wouldn’t have been as appreciative and as willing to then focus as hard as I did.” Wanting to further his knowledge and pursue his dreams, attending music school was the next step. Playing gigs, getting involved in the community and having one of the best years of his life was the result of the positive and encouraging space that the school created.

One school year later, his first EP titled Better was released. His music debut was independently produced by Nolan and his friends. The four songs take listeners on a journey through Nolan’s struggles with mental health and the beginning of a new relationship. Soft vocals and smooth guitar fill the air with a total run time of sixteen minutes. For a first project under the Sno Daze name, it truly shows that he is not afraid to be vulnerable when it comes to the art that he creates. 


When creating music, it’s important to understand that inspiration comes in phases. Life experience is a major part of the creative process, especially when it’s personal. It is slow at times, but this has allowed Nolan to have a better perspective on where he wants to take music as a full time career. “I try to write two songs a month,” he explains, “but a lot of them don’t make the cut.” These experiments ultimately allow for any musician to blossom into the artist they truly want to be. Every attempt involves experimentation, set backs, practice, success, and constantly throwing ideas at the wall until one finally sticks. Although many songs don’t make the cut, I can see the excitement on his face as he speaks about a new single. “By My Side”, another personal track written about reconciling with oneself. A song that Nolan feels needs the proper care and production before it is shared to the world.

“I don’t know if I identify with anything more than music, I wake up everyday and I live and breathe music,” Nolan enthusiastically states, “And if you feel that way about anything, do whatever it takes to make that your reality because there is nothing more fulfilling on this planet.” An important thing to keep in mind as a young artist because sometimes pursuing your passion can be a daunting task. “There's something to be said for those who put the effort in doing what they love,” he includes upon reflection. However, when you love what you do, is it really work?


There are a lot of big plans set out for the small town artist. Perhaps a new single or an album, or even live performances? Time will only tell. One thing’s for sure and that is Nolan’s music; just like a snow day, something good that you can’t help but look forward to.

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