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APRIL 2022

Sonic Youth is an homage to a DJing duo that my dad and his friend created during high school by the name of Sonic Youth D.J.S. Their goals as youths were to make others feel good through their artistic platform. Giving their audience the freedom to express themselves through socialisation and dance to hopefully leave a long lasting memory to those who attend. Although this project does not relate to music, the principles of creating long lasting memories through creative expression and socialisation are at the forefront. Taking what was once a passion project that was curated by my dad and continually developing the idea across a generation to allow me to pursue my passion for fashion and design.


“Too fast to live, too young to die” is a quote by Malcolm Mclaren, which is extremely relevant, as being young is full of excitement and adventure. However, it sometimes feels as if you’re moving too fast to stop and acknowledge your accomplishments or even as simply as appreciating the smaller moments that are happening right in front of you. When it came to creating Sonic Youth I wanted to curate a body of work that made time slow down and allow those who are young to reflect on their present life, while allowing older generations to reflect on their past and what youth meant to them. Depending on whether you are young or old, I asked the public to explore three prompts. These prompts included:


  • If you’re young, find something physical that represents the current stage in your life, write a few lines on how it represents your life currently, where you see yourself in 10 years, and state age.

  • If you’re old, find something physical that represents your experience being young, write a few lines on how it was a representation of your youth, what you’d tell your younger self right now, and state age.


Various individuals from all ages and backgrounds sent their physical objects, alongside their responses to me, where I then photographed and combined the two into one zine. These objects were then attached on a custom jean/canvas outfit. I feel that each article of clothing carries so many memories and experiences that are woven within the fabrics. Although these stories may not be able to be seen physically, they are there. For that reason, this outfit is made from recycled clothing which includes the drawings from strangers, friends and family. As well as having the experiences that come with wearing it daily, “imprinted” into its fibres. The two pieces shown together will collide, creating a time capsule that will freeze the thoughts, memories and irreplaceable experiences of all those who participated. 


All responses are un-edited and true to their original submission in order to preserve their authenticity.




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